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Warehousing the Elderly Part 4 Rehabilitation

Note:  I have decided to continue writing about my mother’s final journey,  in hopes that others can learn and better navigate their own end of life.

March 28.  I am starting to have hope.  I may  have to change the title of Part 4.  Mum’s new caregivers at Stillwater Healthcare are not warehousing her, they genuinely seem to care.  These CNAs are sweet, young, energetic and kind. The RNs and LPNs by in large also seem involved and caring.  They know more about Mum in just a few days than any of the assistants at the assisted living facility ever did in almost 4 years.  They care about what she likes to do, to eat, to read and to play (cards games if she gets better).  They are working to accommodate her hearing loss..writing notes if she can’t hear them, making sure her amplifier is in and that they speak loudly.  They suggested a TV with subtitles. They are even trying to accommodate her napping schedule.

Mum was delivered to a bed by the window at Stillwater Healthcare on March 28.  She accustomed to a big apartment with separate living room, dining area, kitchenette and bedroom with bath.  She now shares a modestly sized room with a roommate.  Her roommate is non verbal but she screams.  It is not her fault and my heart breaks for Mums roommate, but it is very difficult to both deal with Mums challenges and this screaming.   Mums hearing loss is quite convenient now, because this does not disturb her.  I can’t say the same for me.   Mum seems content, but also very tired and confused.  She is unable to manage an apartment anymore , and she is certainly too weakened to get around in one.  These new digs are small, clean and organized.  She has a tiny bureau and closet, and bathroom.  Her walker and wheelchair take up any leftover space.  There is one chair for any visitors.  Things fit  there kind of like a puzzle, but the staff works to keep it neat and organized.

My early impressions about this rehab/nursing home is that the staff is professional, caring and kind.  They are meeting her new dependency and needs with skill and efficiency.  Her CNAs do most of the hands on care.  Mum is up and dressed each day in her own clothes in warm layers.  She looks brighter and cleaner than I have seen her in a while. Right now her food is served to her in her room.  She is eating very little, but is certainly spending more time up out of bed each day.  One day she is  engaged and curious, but the next she may be sleeping and not eating.  Her health,status and progress is a roller coaster ride for sure, and I know I need to be prepared for any outcome.

I want her healthy, funny, sassy and asking questions again.  I hope the staff and my frequent visits can accomplish this, but she is almost 93, and it could go either way.  And if she is just too worn out for recovery, I don’t want it forced.  She has been my strong amazing and healthy Mum for a very long time.  She deserves a good rest, or a recovery, whichever comes.  I will be appreciative to this staff for either.  They seem to be doing their absolute best for Mum.

Next.  The Family meeting……….

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