Breath of Fresh Air, Maine Medical Center
I was invited to Maine Medical Center for a presentation and introduction on their MRSA and other Multi Drug Resistant Organism prevention program. I read their program/policy online prior to my visit , so I was prepared to be impressed. I was not disappointed. Almost all of the important components of my original multifaceted approach to MRSA prevention, as proposed to the Maine Health and Human Services committee, are in MMCs program. And, they are successful with it. The passion of the presenter was very obvious. His desire to succeed, determination and tenacity with a prevention program has obviously made MMC and the entire region around MMC safer from MRSA and other MDROs.
Time, money, staff, supplies, administrative support and all the other necessary stuff of prevention has been made available to MMC. And it has paid off. The graphs displaying increased hand washing and decreasing infections were proudly displayed at todays presentation. And, remember that active surveillance of high risk populations is an integral part of their program. We went to a couple of floors in the hospital to see how they stocked personal protective gear and to also see the number of hand gel dispensers there are. Their hand washing compliance scores for each floor are displayed as you walk off the elevator. We spoke with staff members of both the floors that we visited who participate in this excellent program. MMC has drawn in staff from all departments to participate and promote this program. There is ownership of the program. That is the culture change that is necessary for MRSA control. MMC has a program that they can be very proud of.
As in all things Maine related, there are two Maine’s. There is the Portland and Southern Maine and then there is “the rest of the State”. or the other Maine. Remote northern, eastern and down eastern Maine do not enjoy the same resources or support that Southern Maine does. There are still a number of Maine hospitals who do no MRSA screening at all or inadequate screening. And many of these hospitals do have MRSA. I have heard that few hopsitals in Maine do not have MRSA. Is this possible? I don’t think anybody would outright lie about that, but on the other hand, if complacency rules, it is just a matter of time for them to have MRSA. There are high risk patients everywhere. Contrary to popular belief, Mainers do travel outside the confines of their small towns. Also, small town hospitals all refer to larger hospital referral centers, where there is MRSA. So, no hospital is without risk from MRSA.
All of this being said. I am very grateful to the representatives of MMC for having this presentation for the MQF, and the others of us who are advocating for MRSA prevention. It was very generous of them to do this.
I wish the same standards and passion for MRSA control for the rest of Maine. And I stand strong that Active Detection and Isolation is the minimum standard that all Maine hospitals must use to stop MRSA. That begins with high risk screening and awareness. We have the law and now we must see that it is enforced and quickly. Delay is not acceptable. MMC would not have had to change much at all if my entire legislative proposal had passed. Their program is excellent. But, we all know such standards are not equal in all Maine’s hospitals. I don’t think MRSA prevention and safety for patients should vary between Portland and their entire region and the “other” Maine hospitals. All Maine citizens should enjoy the same level of safety.
High risk screening must start now.
I just want to thank everyone at the Maine Medical Center for being so polite and careing . We in Maine are so lucky to have such a wonderful hosiptal . The staff is terrific, I was a the Mercy hosiptal today visiting a friend the care and service can’t come close to the Maine Medical . Thank you Sharon Grant