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Dr Steele promotes transparency

A local guest editor, Dr Eric Steele, Bangor, ME, writes about transparency regarding Medical Errors in today’s Bangor Daily news.  This link tells the story of an unfortunate man who lost his life in a small Maine Hospital because of a huge overdose of Epinephrine.  Dr Steele, while recognizing the tragedy of the mans death, also applauds the hospital because they accepted the responsibility of this error ,made changes to correct the problem and apologized to the family.

If only this same thing could be done for the thousands of people who die each hear from Hospital Acquired Infections.  Many things are being done, but the most important one for MRSA is not being done as practice in the State of Maine.  Active Detection and Isolation is a proven method of prevention for MRSA.  Mandatory public reporting as also been successful in making hospitals accountable and transparent about these infections, and yet the Maine Hospital Association and Epidemiologists and other representatives from all Maine hopsitals have rejected and fought both of these measures.

I hope that Dr Steele is as serious about HAIs as he is about other Medical Errors. 


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