
Posts Tagged ‘HR 2937’

Congresswoman Jackie Speier introduces MRSA bill in Washington DC

June 30th, 2009 2 comments

Congresswoman Jackie Speier, California, introducing HR 2937

Congresswoman Jackie Speier, California, introducing HR 2937

Jeanine Thomas, MRSA Survivors Network

Jeanine Thomas, MRSA Survivors Network


The above link is coverage of the event in Washington DC with Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who introduced a MRSA prevention bill on June 24, 2009.

I participated in this event by telling my fathers unfortunate story.  Others present had suffered with MRSA and survived or they had lost someone to MRSA.

This event was very important to me and to MRSA prevention.  I networked with others who have done advocacy for MRSA victims and with those who had lost loved ones because of MRSA.  This bill will stop the scourge of MRSA in our hospitals with screening, isolation and precautions. 

Please contact your State representatives to support this bill.