
Posts Tagged ‘Maine Health and Human services committee’

Maine Hospital Association stand on public reporting 2008

March 15th, 2010 No comments

This link to the Maine Hospital Association’s page and their stand on public reporting in 2008 shows how long they have been fighting meaningful public reporting of Hospital Acquired Infections.
This lengthy and detailed argument written by Mary Mahew (who I became quite familiar with at Health and Human services committee hearings) touts the existing public reporting that is already done through the Maine Quality Forum. There is quite a long list of “reportables” that are made public by the MQF, but if one takes the time to examine the type of those reports, hardly any of it is OUTCOME reporting. Most of the “reportables” are process measures like giving antibiotics at the right time, cutting hair correctly prior to surgery, etc. Only one reportable actually discloses infections and those are Central line infections.
CLABSIs are only 10% of all MRSA infections.
The infections reported on the MQF are a very tiny representation of the number of infections in our hospitals.
Other infections include SSI (surgical site infections) UTI (urinary tract infections) pneumonia, meningitis, mediastinitis after open heart surgery, osteomyelitis, meningitis and oh so many others….all can be caused by MRSA and other microorganisms that hospitals can grow and spread.
It’s obvious why the MHA doesn’t want to report these infections. It will force hospitals to expose their sore spots and may hurt the bottom dollar. But, thier job is to make people better, not sicker. Nobody should ever go into a hospital for a simple problem and because of infection that is not controlled in the hospital, they get sicker and suffer or die. It is absolutely not excusable.
Also, if hospitals are mandated to report and the reports are public, they will COMPARE, COMPETE and IMPROVE.
MRSA and other Hospital Acquired infections can no longer be hidden under the protective shroud of the MHA, Hospital administrations, Epidemiologists, and others. They need to be brought out into the light of day, exposed, and conquered. Hospitals cannot afford, financially or with loss of reputation, to ignore the number of patients who suffer and die each year from preventable infections.
The CDC, and other infection control agencies now support public reporting of all hospital acquired infections. The MHA needs to reevaluate their public reporting stand and be prepared to expose Maine Hospitals’ underbellies…for the good of patients.


March 11th, 2010 No comments

imagesmaine1The  Maine Health and Human Services Committee had the opportunity on Tuesday, March 9, to remove the veil of secrecy from MRSA in the State of Maine.  It did not happen.  The suggestion was made that public, mandatory MRSA specific reporting through the National Heath Safety Network (CDC administered) be started.   They didn’t do it.  They missed the opportunity to make hospitals accountable and transparent.   Secrecy, lack of disclosure and accountability have historically been problems with MRSA.  These problems remain in Maine.   Many other States are reporting to NHSN.  ARRA funds were sent to Maine to encourage us to report to NHSN.  Over 20 hospitals have sent staff to be trained to do this reporting……..

BUT…in Maine the reporting that is proposed by the Maine CDC, for MRSA, is not to begin until 2012, is ONLY a proposal, and is  not mandated and the results will not be public.  What good is that to anyone except hospitals and the Maine CDC?  What will the result of such reporting be?  Not is voluntary, secretive and useless and inaccessable for consumers.

Public reporting forces hospitals to COMPARE, COMPETE AND IMPROVE.   The March 2010 Consumer Report article regarding public reporting of hospital acquired bacteremia  proved that.

In January next year, we will go back, armed with the results of the MRSA prevalence test, experience from this past year dealing  with dishonest, but powerful hospitals and their lobby, and the fact that MRSA is still alive and well in our hospitals ………and we will fight for MRSA prevention in the form of Active Detection and Isolation and patient safety in Maine.   We will also fight to remove the shield of secrecy and deceipt that shields our hospital (from any accountability)  by proposing mandatory, public, MRSA specific reporting in the State of Maine.

Maine Quality Forum Decision, LETS DO A STUDY

September 18th, 2009 2 comments

When my bill passed into law last spring,  there was a stipulation that the Maine Quality Forum would “define” what populations were at high risk for MRSA in Maine, for the purposes of screening.  This task was assigned to us by the Maine Health and Human Services Committee.   I attended meetings for 5 months and I worked diligently between meetings researching this subject.  I presented a solid list of known populations at risk for MRSA.  I gathered  this information from the CDC information and hundreds of other sources.  I never attended a meeting uninformed or unprepared.

I withstood stonewalling, dishonesty, reluctance and downright hostility in these meetings.  I took verbal beating repeatedly and with grace.   Without the refereeing of our leader and my  dedicated Maine State Nurses Association collegue, my pursuit of safer hospitals in Maine would have been much more difficult.  There is no doubt in my mind that they were trying their best to wear me down.  They thought “she will go away afer a while”.  Wow, they do not know me. 

The Maine Hospital Association and their associates, APIC (infection control professionals), and the MQF DO NOT WANT TO DO HIGH RISK SCREENING FOR THEIR PATIENTS.  They will tell you they are already doing it, or it is too expensive, or it is too cumbersome, or there is no need because they are improving handwashing,….my goodness, I can’t begin to complete the list of excuses I have heard.  The fact is that the MHA and APIC have lobbyists and money and they are fighting this effective approach to MRSA prevention tooth and nail. These associations and the MQF are the very people who should be making our hospitals safer.

What this all really boils down to is that Hospitals and doctors  do not want to be told what to do.  Another thing they don’t want is to be liable for an excellent MRSA Prevention program.  If patients have an increased expectation of hospitals and Active Detection and Isolation becomes standard practice in Maine, they will be held to it!  This means increased litigation for MRSA victims if the hospital fails to meet the standards.  Well, hells bells, why not?  Maine Hospitals are responsible if patients become infected on their watch.  They either improve safety or they are liable and there will be lawsuits!

 Maine hospitals  think they are doing a bang up job with MRSA prevention.  While I do recognize that some efforts are being made to stop MRSA, it is not nearly enough.  Why just last week I talked with a woman who had over 100,000 dollars in medical bills after her hospital discharge . She got MRSA, C Diff, and pseudomonas during an over 100 day stay at the local hospital.  She is still paying her bills off and she still suffers ill effects from those infections, but fortunately, she survived.   Another person  asked my son for my contact information because her father died 2 weeks ago with MRSA, same hospital.  So, although they are doing SOME things to improve prevention, they are not stopping the infections.

One  reason for this is that their screening protocol is not wide enough, and that is likely the same problem in all the hospitals in Maine who are still seeing new infections regularly.

Another reason is that they continue to room infected or colonized patients with uninfected pateints. I brought this up at the last MQF meeting and I got jumped on by 3 or 4 nurses all with similar excuses, including one that basically said that CDC says it is ok.   This  a recipe for disaster.  Your local infection control nurse will tell you that “patients do not spread MRSA, hands do”.  Yes, I agree, this is so.  But contaminated  instruments, uniforms, bathroom facilities  and other environmental contamination also spreads disease, with the help of hands.  And do not ever feel safe about the air you breath.  MRSA can be coughed 3 to 4 feet when a patient has MRSA pneumonia.  I have also read articles that air ventilation systems have tested positive for MRSA.  So, without effective air filtration, MRSA can spread that way too.

Another reason MRSA spreads is because doctors are rationing out treatment to interrupt colonization.  They get to pick and choose the patients who will get this simple treatment before invasive procedures.  The arguments for rationing is that there is some  antibiotic resistance, or that MRSA can come back or any number of other excuses.  The reality is that they are playing God in deciding who will have the advantage of simple decolonization ….if it will be you, or your neighbor or someone esle…. according to what procedure you are having.  This seems unethical to me.  If I am having a gut surgery and I have MRSA colonization, I want the treatment.  I will take my chances at resistance or that it might come back after I heal.  LET ME DECIDE my own fate.  This witholding of effective treatment to prevent active infection smacks of the “Sarah Palin” death panel referrence.  Not that I ever believed anything that Sarah Palin said.  My guess is that if any of the doctors who participated in our MQF work group had MRSA colonization and needed surgery, they would be pushing the antibiotic ointment up their noses and scrubbing their bodies with Phisohex frantically and frequently before anybody touched them!

There are many reasons that Maine hospitals are not stopping MRSA.  These are just a few and they are the ones I have addressed in my legislative proposal. 

I would love to see an ambitious investigative writer start calling all of our hospitals.  Their first question could be “how many patients in your hospital have MRSA now?”  Second question, “how many of those patients came into the hospital with those infections?”  Third question, “what is the prognosis for those patients?”   How long will those patients suffer from these infections?   “Is every MRSA colonized and infected patients isolated from other patients?”  “How high is your handwashing compliance?”  “Have your MRSA infections rate dropped or gone up in the past 10 years?”   “Are you aware of the Veterans Administration MRSA screening program and it’s success in dropping MRSA Infections?”   I want to do this investigation myself, but I have observed how close to the chest ANY MRSA information is guarded within these facilities.   I sat in meetings with representatives from hospitals all over the State and I don’t know any of the answers to any of these questions.  THIS IS THE BIGGEST DIRTIEST SECRET OF ALL IN MAINE HOSPITALS.  And the secret is closely guarded.  Each hospital’s representative in those meetings should have very proud CEOs.  They didn’t spill the beans on any useful numbers for the MQF group.

Two days ago, a unilateral and sudden decision was made by our MQF leader to do a “study”.  This decision was made with no plan, no deadline, no consultant, and no requirements.  After 5 months of pounding out a good solid list of high risk populations for screening, our work group’s direction changed.  It was announced, not suggested.  So, all of a sudden the MQF became a dictatorship, not a work group.  While all of the logistics and details of this “study” are being worked out and the study done and the analysis made and resulting recommendations are decided, Maine patients at high risk for MRSA will continue to be admitted to our hospitals without screening.  The expense of this test could be spent on a new effective screening program for all of our hospitals It is bogus and it is nothing but a stall tactic.  The hospitals believe they have won a battle of some sort.  If I thought for one minute that battle was against MRSA, I would not be writing this blog entry.  It is a power battle they think they have won.  MRSA prevention has little to do with it.

MRSA screening saves lives and stops suffering.  It is the first step in preventing MRSA infections.  Patients with undetected MRSA will continue to be admitted to Maine hospitals, and be roomed with uninfected patients.  Infections that can be prevented with simple decolonization treatment will continue to happen.    Rates will not drop.  And after a hospital allows this to happen to you, you will get the bill for the damages.  You will be billed for care rendered as a result of a preventable infection.

This study is a delay tactic.  This allows Maine hospitals to stall the inevitability of effective high risk MRSA screening.  This allows hospitals to continue doing exactly what they are doing now and that is not enough.  I hold the MQF , the Maine Hospital association and Maine hospitals responsible for every single new MRSA infection that occurs in Maine hospitals  while they are messing about with a study.    This is not what was expected of us in our work group…….we need to start screening now…and without further delay.

I will never give up this fight.  It is much to important to everybody.  My motivation comes from my grief and I will continue to grieve a long time for my special father who was infected by his trusted hospital and died as a result.