
Posts Tagged ‘mrsa disability’

Infection Control

February 8th, 2009 No comments

When I worked as an Employee Health nurse in the early 90s, I worked in close contact with the Infection control department. If an employee stuck themselves with a dirty needle, we had a needlestick policy that we followed by the book. This policy was to help protect employees from diseases such as Hepatitis B or HIV/AIDS. Also, if a patient was admitted and found later to have an infectious case of TB or meningitis, follow up for all exposed employees ensued. TB testing for everybody who had unprotected exposure to the patient was done and followed up. If the patient had Meningococcal meningitis, employees who had cared for and had unprotected exposure to that patient were offered prophylactic medicine to prevent them from getting the disease.

My major project as one of the EHS nurses was to test for TB. TB had made a comeback of sorts since the spread of HIV/AIDS. New more difficult strains of TB had emerged in part because of the vulnerability of immunocompromised HIV/AIDs patients. I was assigned the daunting task of testing every employee at my 450 bed hospital for TB with a two step testing process. It took almost 2 years to complete this task. I was also responsible for teaching TB precautions and to do TB HEPA filter mask fit testing for employees. There was a new OSHA mandate to do all of this in the nation’s hospitals. Non-compliance was not an option. Tons of money and many hours were dedicated to all of this testing, mask fitting, education and documentation. In all of my 2 years and around 4500 TB tests, I found 2 new positive TB tests in my facility. That’s right….TWO.

Now it seems to me that was a lot of hoopla for a very low number of actual TB cases. I know the importance of TB control. It is a deadly disease and there has been a reemergence of it, but compare it to MRSA.

Approximately 15% of the general population has MRSA growing in or on them. About 30 to 40% of healthcare workers has MRSA growing in them or on them. The spread of MRSA is caused by unwashed hands, contaminated equipment or furnishings, or from an infected roommate. If healthcare workers are colonized ( have MRSA in their noses but no signs of infection) then scrupulous handwashing and the use of gloves is absolutely necessary. Other things to consider are healtcare workers wearing rings or other jewelry, long hair hanging around and hovering over dressing and sterile procedures, fake or long fingernails, and wearing the same lab coat or uniform for more than one day. I don’t know any nurses who would knowingly bring disease to a patient. But, if they are not tending to their own hygeine, it is possible. Also, if a nurse becomes ill with a sneezy, ‘runny nose and eyes’ cold, they should be wearing a mask to protect patients. Better yet, they should NOT be working caring for vulnerable patients. Coughing or sneezing can spread not only a nurse’s virus but it seems that the MRSA in the nares could also be shed and spread.

Nurses are not routinely cultured for MRSA. Some say it is because there are so many of them with MRSA that there wouldn’t be any left at the bedside. I don’t believe that. I believe that nurses, because of the nature of their work, probably have a higher than normal occurance of MRSA in their noses. But, constant testing and decolonizing them isn’t the answer to the dilemma. Strictly enforced precautions and excellent sterile technique is the answer. There is a time that it is important for nurses to become decolonized and that is if they become patients themselves and vulnerable to MRSA infection in a surgical wound or if another illness makes them high risk. Also, if there is a cluster of MRSA infections in a certain department, it may be necessary for MRSA positive nurses to be decolonized. That is usually a simple procedure of putting an antibiotic cream into the nose for 5 days.

Because of hospital acquired infections, I believe it is also time to review our visitors policies in hospitals. It is difficult enough for adults to understand and use precautions. Please don’t bring small vulnerable children into the hospitals and allow them to crawl on the floors and handle equipment. The presence of bacteria is higher in the hospital than visitors know. Brief visits to patients who don’t require isolation may be appropriate, but otherwise keep babies and small children home. The sick patient’s bedside is not the place to bring small children. People in hospitals are sicker than ever and most don’t care to hear loud large parties of people visiting.

Bedside nurses will be the ones who reduce MRSA in our State’s hospitals. Maine’s Hospitals will have the mandates necessary to force them to have effective infection control policies that will reduce MRSA infections and deaths. Bedside nurses are also the ones who are closest to and care the most for and about patients. They are our protectors and advocates when we become patients. I want them to be able to decide for me and the others on my hospital ward about visitors, precautions, isolation, and other steps to protect me and other patients from Hospital acquired infections. Their decisions will also protect patients’ visitors.

How Can I Protect Myself from MRSA?

February 8th, 2009 1 comment

handwashingMRSA (pronounced MERSA), is actually Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. It is a long name for something that only takes a short time to infect the human body.

The very young and the very old are most vulnerable. So are dialysis, cancer, nursing home and immunocompromised patients.

CDC reported in 2007

Invasive (serious) MRSA infections numbered 94,000, of those 18,000, more than died of HIV/AIDS

Of all Staph infections, about 60% of them is MRSA

2% of S. aureus (STAPH) infections in U.S. intensive-care units were MRSA in 1974, 22% in 1995, and 64% in 2004.

MRSA can infect skin, blood, bones, lungs, and organs. It can move from one part of the body to another.

MRSA can live up to 3 months on a non host surface if not disinfected. On a host surface (skin, nose, lungs) it can live indefinitely.

The two most common MRSA diseases are CA or Community Acquired MRSA and HA or Hospital Acquired MRSA. The two organisms used to differ in their DNA, but recently there seems to be a merging of the two.

MRSA infections can disable or kill otherwise healthy individuals.

Ways to avoid MRSA

Wash your hands frequently and practice good hygiene

Cover your open wounds and don’t touch other people’s wounds without gloves

Don’t share towels, razors or other personal devices.

Tell others if you are infected and avoid close contact with others who are infected

Demand that your health care workers wash their hands before contact.

Keep frequently touched surfaces disinfected.

About 30% of us have Staph in our noses. Ask for a MRSA nasal culture if you are going to have surgery or if you are an at risk hospital admission.

What is MRSA?

February 7th, 2009 5 comments

mrsabugMRSA (pronounced MERSA) is  Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.  It is easy to understand why MRSA is used instead of the long name.  The microorganism is a morphed form of Staph or Staphylococcus Aureus.  Everybody has heard of Staph infections.  They have plagued people for many years. Until MRSA, most staph infections could be effectively treated with Pennicillin and other common antibiotics.  Around 1960, doctors discovered that some Staph infections no longer responded to regular antibiotics, so they discovered a synthetic “cillin” Methicillin.  After too many years of doctors and other prescribers over prescribing antibiotics for viral illnesses and other minor infections, Staph became resistant to Methicillin too.  Thus the title Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.

MRSA can be contracted inside hospitals and in the community, but it is believed the origin of the infections is health care facilities.  Until lately, Community Acquired MRSA had different DNA than Hospital Acquired MRSA.  It is feared that the two are merging.

HA MRSA accounts for about 70% of all Staph infections in hospitals now.  Staph infections are  the most common HA (hospital acquired) infection.  It invades all soft tissue, organs, bone, blood, lungs and airways, nose, throat and ears.  Many (approximately 30%) of us carry MRSA in our noses.  We have healthy immune systems and so it does not cause symptoms of infection, such as fever, swelling or malaise.  If for some reason we become vulnerable to infection, such as after a serious surgery, we can spread our MRSA from the nose to a surgical wound.  Pre surgical nasal cultures for MRSA can help all of us to avoid such a disaster.  Many thousands of serious surgical site MRSA infections have caused patients unnecessary pain and extended recovery periods.  Some get MRSA in their blood streams and they can die.  Once MRSA becomes invasive, it is very difficult to get rid of.  Amputations are sometimes necessary.

Other common sites of MRSA are in Central line IVs, urinary catheters, lungs after tracheotomies or intubations, and in joint replacements.  High risk patients such as Cancer patients, dialysis patients, Long term care patients and others should always be screened when being admitted to the hospital.   All Pre surgical patients should also be screened.  People with known previous MRSA infections and their caregivers should also be screened.

If those screening cultures are positive, there is a simple treatment for it.  Bactroban cream is put into the nose a few times a day for 5 days and then sometimes the patient is recultured. They are also given Chlorhexidine (Phisohex or Hibiclens) baths once day. During that time, it’s best to avoid procedures that could introduce MRSA into deeper parts of the body, unless it is an emergency.  It is also best to isolate people who are positive for MRSA in their noses or other places.

MRSA is spread to patients in hospitals by hands or by contaminated equipment.  The method of spread of MRSA is contact and droplet.  This means that if a patient is coughing and has MRSA in their lungs, MRSA can be propelled by a cough up to 3 feet from the patient.  The droplets will contaminate all of those surfaces.  Health care workers must use contact precautions AND respiratory precautions when caring for patients with MRSA in the lungs. Caregivers and visitors must use both gloves and masks.  If MRSA is in wounds or on the skin, contact precautions  (handwashing and gloves) are sufficient.

Contact Precautions are as follows.  Before and between contact with patients, the caregiver, or other persons entering the room, must wash their hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol bases hand cleanser.  Then non sterile gloves must be worn.  If the caregiver is going to be handling any wet bedding or have close touching contact with the patient then a gown must also be worn.  The germ can get onto caregivers and visitor’s  clothing and be spread to other patients. The hands must be washed and new gloves and gown put on before contact with another patient.  All frequently used items such as a blood pressure cuff, thermometer, IV poles or pumps, must be assigned to MRSA positive patients and not shared with non infected or non colonized patients.

If there is lung invovlement or there will be spraying of infected bodily fluids, a mask must also be worn by the caregivers/visitors.

MRSA is considered an infection when the patient has active signs of infection to include fever, malaise, purulent (pus) drainage, swelling, redness, and other signs of active infection.  My father was treated for his infection and then given the sad news that he would always be colonized in his lungs.  This means the bacteria never goes away and he could become ill again with infection at any time.  Because he had MRSA in his sputum and for the rest of his life, he still needed to stay on respiratory and contact precautions.  We wore masks and gloves every visit until he died.

MRSA is a persistant, invasive and a potentially deadly disease.  In Maine Hospitals are not required to even report these hospital acquired infections to the State CDC.  The purpose of CDC is to Control Disease.  If they are not given the numbers of these infections, how will they know where to concentrate their efforts to control the spread of the disease?  Part of my proposal will be to require all hospitals in the State of Maine to report these infections, and if they were present on the patients hospital admission or if they acquired it while hospitalized.  This will make hospitals accountable for infections that they spread to vulnerable patients.  Publicizing this information will also allow health care consumers a way to make wise health care decisions for themselves and their families.

MRSA can be controlled.  The VA hospitals all over the country require ever single hospital admission be screened, and they follow the other steps I have included in my proposal.  It has been successful enough that they will now expand their program into VA Long Term facilities.

Contact your local senators and representatives to support the McCleary MRSA prevention bill, now known as Maine LD 1038.