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Yes, you can have a party

Socially distanced pool crowd

Socially distanced pool crowd

How NOT to party

How NOT to party

Disclaimer:  I am not promoting big parties or gatherings for vulnerable people, I am only making the point that it can be done safely if the proper steps are taken.

I can live without big parties these days, but boy oh boy, did I love a big ole loud party when I was young.  We listened to music, danced, ate great food and drank (just a little).  We met and made friends, and we loved being with our old friends. The best party I ever went to was my own wedding reception.  It was a great combination of my young partying friends, and my family, altogether in the same big room, dancing, laughing and celebrating. Imagine, that was almost 50 years ago.  My parents might have disapproved of some of my earlier parties!

Partying now isn’t the same, and maybe it will never be?  I hope it can be, because everybody deserves to be able to safely get together with their family and friends. Most of us are social creatures.  We crave being around others, especially family and close friends.   But, COVID has changed what we do so much, including how we gather with our favorite people.

This article is an example how NOT to party.  This family in the photo looks like a bright loving group…I’m sure they are.  However, they did not take proper party precautions.  And unfortunately, the result is that 18 of them tested positive for COVID 19, and Grandma and Gramdpa were hospitalized with very serious infection.  The last I knew, Grandpa’s life was very much in jeopardy.  I know none of this was intentional..and this family is feeling the grip of the horrors of the pandemic, but it could have been so different had they heeded warnings about close up large gatherings.


We don’t know who tests positive by looking at them. Unless they are displaying symptoms of active infection, people can be infected and have only subtle or no symptoms at all.  That is very important to know.  And that is why wearing masks, particularly out in public closed in spaces, is so important.  Wearing a mask is the socially responsible thing to do. It is to protect our public health.   Unless you are wearing an N 95 mask like healthcare providers do, you are wearing your mask to protect others, like Grandma and Grandpa.  Right now it is the most important and simple thing we can all do for each other.  Also, it is the kind thing to do. Maine Retailers actually started this Be Kind campaign.


A week ago, my youngest son (45yo) held a backyard  pool party for his friends birthday, here at my home.  He asked about it a few weeks prior to that, and I told him it was fine, but he would have to keep it under 20 people,  they would all have to stay outside and use the basement bathroom.  Plus he would have to clear some basement stuff out of the way and clean the bathroom before hand!   There is an outside entry to our basement from the back yard.  He agreed to our terms and he set a whole bunch more terms for his guests.  His responsible middle aged friends gathered here and practiced every precaution in this Bangor Daily News Article.  The article’s author was actually a guest at my sons party. It was so fun to listen to the party in my back yard.  It has been so long.  Everybody had a great time, proving you can  enjoy yourself during a pandemic and not get sick.


The birthday of our Independence is coming next Saturday, July 4th.  It will be quiet here, but I know that many folks will want to celebrate somehow with family and friends.  Please, read the BDN article.  The author, Emily Burnham consulted with the former CDC director of the State of Maine and she/they produced a great guide for all of us.  Dr Dora Ann Mills talks about ‘layers’ of protection and it is very easy to follow.

It’s not really that hard, and the effort to stay safe is definitely worth it.


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