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Getting the word out

February 8th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

In order to get my MRSA proposal for the State of Maine out there, I have taken several steps.

My first step was to contact State Representatives and Senators.  Adam Goode D-Representative of Bangor, ME has expressed the most interest and decided to sponsor my proposal. He also works in advocacy at his regular job with Maine People’s alliance.   He in turn promoted my proposal in the House and the Senate. I have also written and phoned many members of the House and Senate to make them aware of my work and why I am doing it.  The majority of those I have managed to speak with are fully supportive.    The steps for making a proposal a bill and then a law are all new to me. This is not the usual “nursing” type of thing that I have done in the past.  I am learning a great deal in this process.

I also emailed and phoned  organizations for their support.  AARP of Penobscot County and Maine State Nurses Association are supporting  my work.  I will meet with the Maine State Employees Association soon.  They are the biggest union in Maine.  I will speak to any and all organizations who are interested in making Maine hospitals cleaner and safer.  I hope to target the elderly, since they are the most vulnerable.

This work is what I am doing instead of just staying mad. I am not funded by any organization or individual.  I started the work alone, but I hope to gain support for what I believe is very important to Maine health care consumers. I want patients in Maine Hospitals to be confident that they won’t have to suffer like my father did.   I was frustrated and angry about what happened to my father.  My anger led me to this passion to make a difference.  I do not believe that hospitals are helpless in this.  All of the research, recommendations and information is out there about MRSA control.  Unfortunately, it is NOT ORGANIZED or MANDATED.  There is too much gossip and not enough fact circulating in hospitals amongst care givers and patients.  Simple inexpensive, standardized and organized steps can help hospitals to avoid spreading MRSA inside their walls.  Every hospital large or small  in Maine needs to be on the same page with MRSA prevention.  The days of “evidence based” steps for MRSA control are over. The only evidence needed is the alarming increase of MRSA infections and deaths in our hospitals.   My father is now on the data……..Data does NOT prevent MRSA.  Dad is not a number. He was my affectionate, loving and generous father.  Simple steps at his hospital could have prevented my father from contracting MRSA pneumonia while he was rehabilitating from a minor injury.

Anybody reading this page can help me to get the word out.  Send my webpage to everybody on your email list. Call or email your Senators and Representatives.  Help me to help others to avoid needless suffering from MRSA infections.  Email me at Mammy1111@aol.com if you would like me to speak to your group about MRSA prevention and my proposal.

  1. February 24th, 2009 at 11:08 | #1

    Thank you!

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